New Era — forged yellow 14K gold wedding ring
$2 925
SKU: 1696-2
SKU: 1696-2

New Era — forged yellow 14K gold wedding ring

$2 925
Made to order
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Yellow 14k Gold
Base width:
~ 7 mm
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Thousands of years pass by. The universe smiles at the stars, laughs with planets, cries with nebulas. Is the world boundless indeed?... Well, if there was anyone ready to prove it can fit in the eye of a needle...

For his entire life, a man asks himself two questions: where did we come from and where do we go? Where is the beginning of our world? What is the purpose of this trip?

Times pass, the scenery changes like in the theater. The very first tribes on the continent, the era of the Roman Empire, the dismal Middle Ages, the industrial revolution, the hard twentieth century, then man-made future. A huge picture of battles, defeats, and victories. Slender beauty of architecture and cold confrontations of countries.

We manage to bring thousands of bits of information about the past and the future. Do epochs pass behind the window? No. The human mind determines the scenery, not the other way around. The main revolutions and riots take place in mind, the main rebirths — in the soul.

The human in the world’s constructor. Nothing happens without his physical activity and energy of thought. Every century is a painting of his, every epoch is an exhibition of his works of art.

Marina Tsvetaeva said that there are people of a certain era, and there are eras embodied in people.

A man invented countries, art, and politics. A man created languages, love, and nationalities. A man discovered coffee, spring, and theater. Look around — everything you see is the fruit of mind and imagination of the previous you.

The new era is not an external occurrence. A new era takes place in the soul and mind, and only then it becomes a part of the external reality.

Forged «New Era» wedding rings will raise a wave of creativity and warm joy in your soul. It will be a reminder that all life events are the result of the power of thoughts. You do not just think or imagine. You are the creator of the world around your life. And may your world always be beautiful.

Yellow gold, extraordinary authentic forging.

The final cost depends on the size and weight of the wedding ring.

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