Innocence — handcrafted engagement ring made of yellow gold with a diamond
$1 686.00
SKU: 5797
SKU: 5797

Innocence — handcrafted engagement ring made of yellow gold with a diamond

$1 686.00
On order
Ring size made to order
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Yellow 14K gold
Diamond (3 mm) ~ 0,1 ct
Width range:
~ 2,2 mm
+- How long does it take to make the jewelry piece in order?

Typical production timing for our jewelry is between 4 and 6 weeks. But also don't forget that some pieces we have in stock. 

+- Is it possible to make a certain model with a different metal or a gemstone?

Yes, you can order a copy of a certain piece with other details (metal, gem, size). Please contact us first, so that we could discuss your order.

+- Do you offer engraving services?

Yes! However, not every piece can be engraved, so each case should be discussed with one of our managers. The engraving can be made for jewelry pieces that are made on order. The price for engraving is listed below:

  • 1 Letter — $15
  • 1 Word / Date — $30
  • 1 Phrase — $45
  • 1 Symbol — $60
+- All your pieces are handcrafted?

Each jewelry piece is made by us from the very beginning to the end. This approach allows us to control the manufacturing process and maintain high-quality products. Design, casting, creating jewelry, processing with decorative coatings, and fixing gems — all are done in one workshop.

+- What should I do if the ring size doesn’t fit?

Most of our made-to-order models are not resizable, but in certain cases, we can resize a ring or make a new ring as a replacement for a nominal fee.

If a ring that you purchased from stock doesn’t fit the finger, we are able to offer free of charge replacement of the same model in the size you need. This can be made if the required gem is in stock and the model can be remade.

+- Do you have a shop that I could visit?

Yes, we would be happy to see you in our showroom. We are located at 37 Broad St, Red Bank, NJ 07701

+- Is there a need for signature confirmation?

Upon delivery, a signature confirmation by a person of 21+ years is required for all orders above $1000. You acknowledge that any person taking delivery of the products at the designated address shall be deemed to have done so with your authorization.

+- Do the shipments carry any insurance?

All shipments carry insurance from a third party vendor during the transportation process.

Other variants of this model:


Free Shipping for Orders Over $300
Handcrafted & Custom Jewelry
Natural Gemstones
Family Owned Business
10 Years of Operating
Unique jewelry design


You are the youth at its best. Tell me how you always get up with a smile on your face, wishing happiness to your enemies and greeting the trees. Tell me how you fall asleep without any doubts, anger and reproaches. I just need to know why am I guilty of falling in love with your innocence. As I feel your goosebumps, it becomes more and more difficult to endure this temptation.

And I'll stand by you, even if you don't feel it. I will be around to guard your divine existence and careless moves. I'll be there to let you know: nothing could hurt a child in you. Oh please, understand, that being"close" is the perfect distance for the winds to dance between us, and our souls to tremble like the waves between the shores. We will be like musical instruments in our synergy, playing a common tune.

My feelings are the safest things the world has ever seen. It feels like it's happening for the first time, but no longer naive. It is a responsibility multiplied by confidence. Look how gorgeous it is. You lift me up to heaven, and I bring you back to earth. Let's continue this dance for at least one life. Once and for all, I want to blame your grace for this strong love, but you are innocent.

This is the story living in the engagement ring "Innocence''.

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