The story of creating twigs

The story of creating twigs

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Each artist sooner or later creates a work that becomes not just one of many products, but is his face. It is enough to simply see the work or to hear about it somewhere, when suddenly the author of labor appears before his eyes or in his thoughts. Mona Lisa — da Vinci. Light bulb — Edison. Apple — Jobs. "Twigs" — this is one of the collections of jewelry, which has become our business card.

The history of the creation of the first «Twig» is quite simple. One spring day a guy came to us and wanted to make an offer of marriage with an unusual ring. The theme of nature was his only wish. We were very pleased that he fully relied on our skill and taste.

Observing the nature, the idea arose of using the texture of tree bark for a ring. We were very enthusiastic about it. So, we set to work. When the ring was made, the man was delighted..

After a successful order, we took a photo and posted it in to the network. The reaction of the people was so fantastic, that it inspired us to develop this series. Amethyst was replaced by garnet, chrysolite, and subsequently by a diamond. As time went on, we did not stand still and continued to grow. As our development progressed, hands moved from making rings to earringspendants та bracelets.

The series gained popularity exponentially. We think that we managed to achieve this thanks to the irregularity of the jewelry and its extraordinary beauty. After all, there were no analogues in the world.

For us, decorations from the «Twig» series mean a lot. After all, their style became the key to the development of other decorations, such as: Sweet Fruit, March Twig, Winter Twig, Eye of the Forest and others.

Therefore, this individual order gave us not just the opportunity to create one of the most popular jewelery, but an excellent and extensive topic that can be developed without borders.

Somehow we were asked for the plans for the development of this collection. Despite the chances of “Twigs” turning into a world-class model, we never made any plans for it. The same applies to other collections. After all, our creative process takes place mainly in improvisation. If an idea arises, we immediately grab it and begin to embody it.

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