King of the Beasts — silver pendant
The lion is a true king of beasts, recognized by the world. His power is unlimited, he is a real dictator of the jungle. His character combines strength and desire to win, in his body — stamina and firm gentleness, in his mind — cunning and mild perseverance.
Every lion is a cat, but not every cat is a lion.
The king of beasts can not yield to fatigue or show weakness. The king of beasts must be persistent and strong-willed, he is primarily a defender of the kingdom and a food-earner for his family. With a solid achievement of goals in each of us, there lives a part of the lion’s soul.
The courage of a lion consists not only of attacking something, but also of taking legitimate benefits for itself. A lion is called a king not because of the superiority of the exterior or the mind, but because he consciously chooses the hard way of strength and firmness. Being a lion is not easy. But when the lion says, hyenas are silent.
A beautiful harmony of lion’s power and soft beauty is concentrated in the pendant from the collection «The King of Beasts». It is made of silver and covered with oxidation.
The crowned lion on the coulomb will give you courage and firmness in the realization of all goals.
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