Polityka prywatności

1. General Provisions

1.1. This agreement on the terms of use of the Kochut website's information resources (hereinafter referred to as “the Agreement”) defines:

1.1.1. Terms of use for visitors and users (hereinafter “Users”) of the website (hereinafter “Website”).

1.1.2. Conditions for Ordering Wares.

1.1.3. Terms of use for personal data, as well as the rights of users that provide them.

1.2. The Owner of the Website is the private person, entrepreneur and sole proprietor Kochut Y. A.

Location: Uzhhorod

1.3. The use of the Website by the User implies that the User accepts and agrees to comply with all the terms of this Agreement indicated below.

1.4. This Agreement and the Website can be changed in whole or in part by the Owner at any time. Any new version of the Agreement and Website content are valid from the moment of publication and/or amendment.

2. Site Terms of Use for Users

2.1. The site contains objects of intellectual property (including copyrighted objects, trademarks for goods and services): photographs, videos, images, music and audio. Exclusive rights to the content of the site (including the right to select, arrange, organize and transform the data contained on the site, as well as the original data themselves) belong to the Owner unless otherwise noted in the materials published on the site.

2.2. A user of the site who is under eighteen (18) years of age must obtain the consent of a parent or legal guardian before placing an order. If the parent or legal guardian of the site visitor do not consent to any of the terms of this Agreement, the site user may not use the site.

2.3. Distribution, publication or other use of site materials without the permission of the author or without referencing the Owner (without linking to the site).

2.4. In case of violation of clauses 2.4. of the Agreement, the User is to be held responsible under the current legislation of Ukraine.

2.5. The user agrees to use the site only for lawful purposes.

2.6. The user agrees to not post materials of the following nature on the site:

2.6.1. Those which violate the legislation of Ukraine, contain threats and insults, violate the public order and/or those which are obscene.

2.6.2. Those which violate to one degree or another the honour and dignity, rights and/or legally protected interests of others.

2.6.3. Those which promote or contain calls for inciting religious, racial or ethnic hatred or contain attempts to incite hostility or incitement to violence, as well as other materials which in any way violate the provisions of Ukrainian legislation.

2.7. The Owner is not responsible for the personal opinions posted by users on the site.

2.8. The user agrees to:

2.8.1. not use the site to advertise or otherwise promote the sale of any goods and services;

2.8.2. not download and/or post any materials on the site that are protected by intellectual property law (including copyright and trademark law) and/or other materials protected by law without obtaining the written consent of the Owner;

2.8.3. not post informational materials from the site in any media and/or printed collections without prior written consent of the Owner;

2.8.4. not post informational materials from the site to any search engines, databases or any other electronic publications and/or collections (including the Internet);

2.9. The user agrees that he/she bears sole and full responsibility for any violation of the terms of this Agreement. The user agrees to provide compensation for any damage arising from such violations.

2.10. The Owner has the right to delete information posted on the site which is in violation of the requirements of this Agreement.

2.11. The Owner has the right to block user actions which violate the requirements of this Agreement without providing an explanation for doing so.

2.12. The moment that the User violates the requirements of this Agreement, all orders are considered cancelled.

2.13. Any user that utilizes the site’s information resources has read and accepts the terms of this Agreement.

3. Terms of Personal Data Use

3.1. By providing his/her personal data, the User gives his/her consent and permission to use, process and transfer his/her personal data exclusively within the framework of the Law of Ukraine "On the Protection of Personal Data” (June 1st, 2010) No. 2297-VI to both confirm the authority of and fulfil the terms of the contract.

3.2. The purpose of collecting personal data is to support further communication with users.

3.3. By providing his/her personal data, the User agrees to receive information (newsletters) from the Owner via e-mail or SMS messages.

4. Final Provisions

4.1. The owner does not guarantee the absolute uninterrupted or error-free operation of the site and agrees to take all reasonable measures to prevent this as well as eliminate any problems that may arise.

4.2. The Owner is not responsible for delays, interruptions or losses resulting from defects in any electronic or mechanical equipment that does not belong to the Owner, problems in data transmission or connections that arose through no fault of the Owner, the quality of channels and public communications through which the site is accessed, as well as, in the case of blocking, access to the site as a result of actions taken by third parties.

4.3. Nothing in this Agreement can be interpreted as the establishment of an agency relationship between the User and the Owner, a relationship for joint activities or any other paid relationship not expressly provided for in this Agreement.