Memoria — ring made of white, yellow gold and diamonds
«Memoria» from Latin means «memory». Wonderful memories that found their place in the secret corners of one’s soul. Flashback about childhood, first love, morning strolls in autumn parks.
Life itself is covered with a soft silk of memories, passing before our eyes, gently recalling pleasant thoughts with a delicate smile and familiar sounds. You always need to remember the best moments of life. Everything fades and gets forgotten, there is nothing lasting forever. But no power can take menthal picture from you. No one can take away the vague veil of youth and magic dust of spring love.
The past, present and future merge into a single picture and it’s no longer possible to say what is a past or present moment. We have no reminiscence of days and hours, only sweet moments. Life’s not about existence, it’s about feeling alive. Life is in every moment which you recall in the night, gently smiling at dusk.
Jewelry, just like memories, should evoke warm emotions about the best moments in your life. Art is intertwined with inspiration, the twilight melody is hidden between the lines on pages, emotions adorn the face and highlight the gleam in the eyes.
Beautiful jewelry gives a feeling of completeness of life, natural beauty and bright self-confidence.
The base of the "Memoria" ring is made of white gold, and the rim is made of yellow, decorated with diamonds.
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