Eye of the forest — yellow gold and sterling silver wedding ring with smoky quartz
Friedrich Nietzsche once wrote beautiful words: «The truth is that I am a forest, and a night of dark trees: but he who is not afraid of my darkness, will find banks full of roses under my cypresses».
He expressed an important rule of the Universe: nothing is perfect, but a human is beautiful, even when making mistakes and taking wrong turns. Every moment of life is worth living it to the fullest. Forest flowers and rustling leaves of trees will tell us about it like no one else.
Every person has an inner forest reserve. A place where new tender sprouts of feelings and expectations emerge, experience and knowledge accumulate and a personality improves and grows.
Nature is our face and body, a forest is our home, because this is our place of living from the beginning of times.
Our wedding ring from the «Eye of the forest» collection, is a symbol of the nature kingdom in a human soul. It is gentle and alluring, like a twilight mist in the evening forest.
The base of the ring consists of two interwoven tree branches, one of silver and the other of gold. A smoky quartz, in the golden caste of the throne, shines brightly on precious metals canvas.
The final cost depends on the final weight.
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