Peaks of Love — wedding rings and proposal ring
They were looking for the light, a sunset that would rest on their shoulders and a twinkle in the stars of their loved one’s eyes that would never be far away. They endured searing heat and frigid cold on their journey, but in the moments when it seemed as if nothing was happening at all, their inner sun was quietly stirring. The star grew larger and larger over time until the two of them began to glow.
Suddenly, they were everything: the peaks, the skyscrapers, the waterfalls, the horizons and the suns that rest on them. The world becomes minute for those who are at the height of their senses. It’s like skydiving, like conquering the top of a mountain, like swimming in a cold mountain stream. It’s like everything that takes your breath away, everything that you have to dare to achieve.
Now she rises over the hills every morning, and her soft and gentle light caresses his face. Then, the light becomes stronger, turning into a red-hot evening haze. There is space for everything: passion, tranquillity, the flow of adrenaline and a sense of complete security. Space breathes through them and hints that their love is always near with every ray of light.
This set of wedding and engagement rings, entitled «Peaks of Love», is a supplement to our existing collection. This time, we decorated it with white diamond, which looks perfect both on the wedding ring and alongside it.
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