Elemental Power — silver pendant with gold and topaz
We are accustomed to talking about the elements as component parts of the planet, and generally divide them into four categories: water, fire, air and earth. A person with a hot temperament will say that their element is fire; a calm and balanced person will say that theirs is water, and so on.
Unfortunately, things aren’t so simple. There is nothing softer than water, but who can stand before a the overwhelming force of a tsunami? There is nothing hotter or more dangerous than fire, but thanks to fire we have heat in our homes and food on our tables. The planet perceives itself through the elements and thus reveals the true features of its character. There is no unambiguity to be found. All the world is a theatre with scores of dissonant productions playing at the same time.
And what are we forgetting about when we ruminate on the contradictory elements? We forget that the planet’s most important element is neither water nor fire. We are the most critical piece of the puzzle — humanity. Humanity consists of 90% water, the air saturates its lungs, it walks barefoot along the ground and it has harnessed the power of fire. By dominating the elements, we became one of them.
Without man, civilization is mortal. Alongside mankind, the world has come to know eternity.
Our «Power of the Elements» pendant expresses an exceedingly subtle philosophy of human nature. The universe is friendly to those who inhabit it. A person’s potential is limitless and we are obliged to use every opportunity given to us.
The pendant was borne of an original design. Its base is silver, but gold threads encircle the top all the way up to the bail. In the heart of the pendant sits a transparent sea topaz. Its shades and colourful play will surely lead to love at first sight.
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