Little twig — silver chrysolite pendant
A famous philosopher once said: «To travel, to observe nature, to uncover its secrets and to find happiness through inspiration — this is what life is all about.» In uncovering nature, we uncover ourselves — we unearth our soul, as well as every ebb and swell of the heart.
If you pluck a flower, it will quickly fade away. If you cage a butterfly, it will survive for long. Therefore, we humans can touch real beauty only with the heart, and this is true happiness.
Sight, hearing, touch — the universe has endowed us with all the senses we need to make our lives airy, diverse and joyful. We decided to preserve the world’s beauty for eternity in the form of elegant jewellery.
One such example is our «Little Twig» pendant. It has been crafted from silver and is covered with white rhodium. The insert is a chrysolite of gentle green, as if Nature cast Her eyes upon us to observe our lives in serene contemplation.
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