Ancient Heart — sterling silver pendant with oxidation plating
Imagine that you are guarding a force that will never leave you.
It is impossible for the mind to fully comprehend because it is unlike anything in the outside world. Its voice is very quiet and you must be silent to hear it. It bears you on its shoulders when you build a new inner world from the ruins of the previous one, as well as when all the worlds you built fall to pieces.
It is thanks to this power that your heart continues to beat with desire and your soul does not stop loving. Love. In order to keep up with the times, one must remain one step ahead. Love. When the surplus of everything becomes heavier than the deficit. Love. When they had to be themselves because others had to be allowed the luxury as well. Love. A world that is never as it seems, one that will remain in this eternal double standard. Love, feeling the fullness of one’s own greatness and worthlessness.
Now close your eyes, exhale and ask yourself: who are you if not love?
The «Ancient Heart» pendant is a symbol of all-encompassing love. A piece with which you will never forget who you really are.
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