Coffee Bean — gold pendant with black rhodium
Do you like the delicate, gentle smell of freshly brewed coffee? Is it possible not to love him? The smell of spices, cinnamon and cardamom merge in a single velvety aroma, intertwined with delicate ties of mysterious taste. The fragrance is all around, the other smells are powerless before him.
And how wonderful to sit on the summer terrace in the Italian city and drink a delicate drink, watching the passers-by. In the square of St. Mark in Venice is a beautiful cafe with the orchestra "Florian". The great Goethe, Casanova and Rubinstein drank coffee there. Touching a cup of thick coffee taste, you feel on the palms of the shadow of the past eras.
Coffee has been around for over 700 years! It is drunk in Italy, in Belgium, in Ethiopia, in the Middle East, in Austria, in Egypt. If in any country in the world do not understand your gestures or language, you will understand everything for sure if you show coffee beans.
And why do not you wear a coffee bean in the form of a wonderful golden pendant? The pendant is made of yellow 14K gold and covered with black rhodium.
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