Star of David — white gold pendant made with garnet
All over the world, the Star of David is associated with the Jewish people, and the ancient origin of this symbol has been largely forgotten.
Take a look at it from a different angle. In the Middle East, the Star of David is believed to resemble a white lily. When a lily blooms, its petals form a regular hexagonal star. The hexagram (hexagonal star) is the result of two triangles converging on one another.
This ancient symbol originally represented harmony, the unity of opposing forces and balance.
There is even a theory that the Star of David signifies the fusion of the universe’s energy, with one triangle symbolizing the spirit, and the other symbolizing matter. The combination of the two establishes perfect harmony in the universe. Hexagrams are also associated with the harmony of the masculine and the feminine, the sincere love between two different worlds.
«God becomes man that man may become God» ©
In some religions, the hexagonal star symbolizes the intertwining of divine and human origins. The downward facing triangle is associated with the divine, and the upward facing triangle symbolizes man.
We decided to look at this symbol from a cultural and historical point of view, crafting it from white gold and adorning it with a delicate garnet. Always strive to learn more. It is impossible to learn about the essence of the world by merely glancing at the surface.
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