Through the Looking Glass — a silver pendant with chrysolite
You look out at the immense looking glass otherwise known as the world. They say you will find yourself no matter where you go and nothing exists outside of you.
It is easy to love yourself when you are beautiful. It is easy to love the world when it is beautiful, summer when it is warm and winter when it is veiled in snow and frost. It is easy to love another when they love you. Reality, however, is not limited by such things.
Looking glasses are not another reality. Rather, they are a continuation of the reality upon which you constantly impose limits. Alice was a brave girl who was ready to face her own abnormal thoughts, at least by the standards of her own limited reality. And yet, the queen in another fairy tale did not have the courage to do so. She expected only one answer from the looking glass.
One praises you for your talents and another says that something in you is lacking. They both peered in the looking glass. How many sad songs have been written thanks to these mirrors? How many illusions are built on them? How many hearts have never found love because of them?
The heartbeat of the Earth quickens. Green trees are reflected in a shimmering likeness on a river. The sky thought itself to be the sea, the mountains, the high-rises, and the sea thought the land to be a fiction. Only by touching the shore did it feel the truth. The truth has always needed to go beyond. Beyond the looking glass.
A green-eyed chrysolite shines brightly in oxidized silver. Exquisitely detailed flowers bloom around it and the gold clasp adds even more elegance to this exotic piece. The «Looking Glass» pendant — that you may see your own true beauty.
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