Hummingbird: nectar — yellow gold pendant
Who can say for sure? Maybe it has no idea that it is the smallest bird on earth. Maybe it simply believes in its tiny wings, as a giant whale believes in its immense power. Its colour is often compared to precious stones or rainbows, and isn’t it incredible when someone’s biggest wish is just to catch a glimpse of something so very small?
It must be fascinating to see the world from its eyes. Maybe their world is tiny too? Or could it be free and spacious, without need for numbers or scale? We know one thing for sure — it does not need confirmation or permission to be a magical piece of our existence, a moment, a miracle. Isn’t that pure inspiration?
The «Hummingbird: nectar» pendant in yellow gold. When nature speaks to us with grace and beauty, we take it upon ourselves to respond in kind.
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