Tree of unity — pendant made of yellow gold
SKU: 5344
SKU: 5344

Tree of unity — pendant made of yellow gold

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Yellow 14K gold
Height with an eyelet ~ 35 mm
Inne warianty tego modelu:

Only those who know will see the point...

They take down the blue and yellow banner, and it rises even higher. They have no idea how big gulps we can drink of the vast blue sky, and how we wait for the yellow sea of sunflowers to bloom.

Only we know how much spiritual warmth we put into the expression «my land».

It's a place where you can breathe freely, and a lot of memories, like frisky horses, pick you up and carry you away into the serene distance.

And it does not matter what you call your land: a small wooden hut or a concrete giant in the thirty floors, a quiet forest near the steep river, or a noisy avenue in the center of the metropolis.

And even for those who live in a foreign country, the word "Motherland" brings to mind images of native spaces, and the pillow is saturated with dreams of native land.

It is your home. Where they are waiting for you, even if no one is waiting for you.

There on the strings of your soul lurks a mother's lullaby - different for everyone, but still important, that unites us all. And your earth, it's your cradle that lifted you up as best it could. And even its cracks and imperfections are dear and dear to our hearts.

We are one - we are joined forever by the same roots. And the whole world admires and a little envies the amazing faith in themselves, the tremendous resilience and solidarity of Ukrainians.

Ukraine will always be such a flowering tree with a strong trunk and strong roots. And it will remain so as long as we carry it in our hearts and filigree around our necks.

Know this! She is always waiting for you! Your land. The only one.