March twig — white gold diamond ring
Have you ever seen anything gentler than a creation of nature? Anything more beautiful than a slow sunset spilling a red palette into the twilight sky? Anything more impressive than myriads of stars set on dark blue bricks like ancient temples? Anything more inspiring than a cool summer breeze tangled between slender thin twigs?
Beauty cannot be meaningless. Every feature in this world has a purpose. Everything has its sense, and the complete balance established by the universe, cannot be changed. The world is frank, but it has various forms and meanings.
Friedrich Nietzsche said that the voice of beauty speaks softly; it creeps only into the most fully awakened souls.
The «March Twig» collection is a jewelry prototype of the beauty of nature. The luxurious freshness of the morning mist, the gentle breath of the milky sky, warm sun rays of the sunset. We applied all this from nature into the breathtaking ring.
At the ends of the twig, there is an unforgettable surprise waiting for its lady — an exclusive diamond.
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