Wide twig — silver ring with emeralds and oxidation
When a person seeks answers to spiritual questions, he can turn to two instances. The first and most important is the heart, it always knows what is really right. And the second, mother nature, she can not lie, it contradicts her essence.
Ask nature, it stores true truths and answers important questions. Only in nature it is possible to find a true self, in it you can find your life wrapped in life and a transparent but deep spiritual light.
We convey her beautiful philosophy and beauty in all our decorations. And especially it turns out in rings from a collection "Branch". The ring "Wide twig" - wide and gentle embraces a finger, gently recalls the uniqueness of everything in nature.
The ring is made of silver, the author's idea embodied in it twigs of a tree. The surface of the branches is covered with oxidation. On the ring - green emeralds, - with a bright light they disperse the gloomy night and give a bright light to our hearts.
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