Splątanie dróg– pierścionek ślubny wykonany z białego, żółtego i czerwonego złota, wytrawionego i oksydowanego srebra z diamentem
Through fire and water.
We walked through forest thickets, wandering along paths we didn't know in order to find that heavenly spot. We saw different things: how dark the night is and how beautiful the dawn is. We've seen the tears of happiness and the anguish of pain people go through. We became allies. The couple who had lost everything to find each other.
Our palms intertwined so tightly that it seemed as if holding your hand could overcome any obstacle. Warmth dissolved throughout my body, and our lives resembled a mystical story. A tale in which all sorts of mystical creatures tried to confuse us. But we went forward with confidence and persistence. And this fairy tale brought us to a logical, happy conclusion, where it's just you and me. Now we are there, where the soul is calm and the heart trembles with joy: a new day is coming, and the Universe gives us one more chance to be together.
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