Wide twig — white gold ring with diamonds
In search of answers to questions of the spirit, a person can turn to two sources. The first and most important of the two is the heart, as it always guides you on the correct path. The second is Mother Nature, who cannot lie, for untruths contradict her essence.
Ask Nature - she guards over the truth and help you find answers to the important questions. In nature, you can find your real self. In Nature, we find a heart wrapped in life and a transparent but deep spiritual light.
We convey its miraculous philosophy and beauty in all our jewellery, and we feel our efforts are particularly rewarded in the rings from the ‘Twig’ collection. The ‘Broad Branch’ ring fully and tenderly embraces the finger, offering a gentle reminder of the inimitability of Nature.
The ring is made of white gold that has been forged by our master’s inspiration into the branches of a tree. Four diamonds rest on the surface of the piece, dispersing the gloom of the evening with their bright light and sharing their radiance with our hearts.
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