Twig — white gold ring with an amethyst
Amethyst is a beautiful stone of a pure cherry, which is often called "stone violet". He plays in shades from pale purple and pink to a rich deep, almost blue color. He absorbed the silver of the dark twilight night and wears every stellar string.
The ancient Romans called amethyst a blessed stone and believed that it brings sincerity and peace of mind. According to the legend, Saint Valentine wore a ring with an amethyst, crowning the poor lovers. A bouquet of the Austrian Empress Maria Theresa contained more than 1500 amethysts. A magnificent gift was created by order of the Empress for the wife of Franz Joseph. Today, a magical bouquet can be seen in the Vienna Historical Museum.
Natural amethyst is very fond of silver. On contact they have a long mental union, they complement each other not only aesthetically, but also spiritually. Alexander Kuprin talked about amethysts like this: "they look like violets blossoming in the woods at the foot of the Libyan Mountains."
A gold ring with an amethyst wears an atmosphere of celebration, romance and warm summer nights. His second name will be ease. And if in life there is simplicity and ease, then the whole world will play by your rules. Because there will be a whisper of an outcry.
The ring is made of white gold and is covered with white rhodium. It is decorated with a violet amethyst.
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