Supermoon — gold moonstone ring
Supermoon is not just an ornament, it's not just a ring that you meet every other day. Supermoon is a lifetime on your hand, the life of the night sky and stars, as well as their queen - the magnificent white moon.
In former times, the Moon was honored, because it helped to determine the time. She was also associated with the ancient Greek goddess of hunting Artemis. In Christian times, the Moon was considered an integral part of the cult of the Virgin Mary.
Now the Moon is a female symbol, it embodies purity, tenderness, renewal, female power and emotional intelligence. A woman with a Supermoon ring on her finger will feel loved, desired and beautiful in any way. The people around do not even care how she is dressed, what her makeup or hairdo is. The moonstone on her finger creates an entirely new inner impulse - wholeness and perfection.
Astrologers believe that moonstone helps to strengthen the feelings of love and warmth in its owner. He helps a person to be soft and patient, and also reveals creativity.
The gold ring with moonstone is ideal for women, for whom lightness, radiant beauty and self-confidence are important. This can be a gift for yourself, and for a loved one.
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