Entwine — silver ring with red garnet
The universe is an interlacing of stars, planets and outer space. Man is an interweaving of the soul, heart, thought and physical body. Our whole life is the interweaving of events, people, feelings, emotions, mental forms.
Nothing disappears without a trace and does not appear just like that. In this we see the main dialectical law of life in our world.
We expressed this philosophy in a beautiful ring from the collection "Entwine". Its base is made of pure silver and covered with white rhodium.
The insert is a cosmically beautiful and pure red garnet with a pronounced range of hues. He contemplates our world and supports the inner harmony of your soul.
At the back of the ring, two lovers intertwined, they soar in outer space and whisper each other words of love in a weave of reason and feelings.
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