Flower tiara — silver ring with sapphires
Beauty is a holistic image, not a partial element. The mountains seem to us beautiful from the height of the peaks, the sky - in the full disclosure of its arms, the ocean - in the horizon of the infinity of the blue valley of waves.
And the flowers are surprisingly beautiful, regardless of the fact that they are just a piece of nature. These are the atoms that form the grandeur and infinity of the universe.
In a flower, you can see a microcosm, which consists of majestic lines, fragrances and smiles of nature.
This is the philosophy of our ring from the collection "Flower tiaras". And this ring especially in that it is covered with white rhodium.
On a snow-white surface, blue sapphires stand out very brightly and contrastingly. You can see not a single accessory, but such jewelry can not be ignored. It is beautiful, unusual and shows the very subtle taste of its bearer.
Beauty is not only aesthetics and style, it's a whole colorful life in one decoration. The ring is made of silver and covered by white rodium.
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