Claddagh: loyalty — silver ring with emerald and diamond
The Claddagh ring is a beautiful decoration; many legends are connected with it. But the main leitmotif of the ring is the motto of famous rulers: "We want to rule in the spirit of love and friendship."
Two hands hold the crowned heart. Celtic symbolism denotes love in the form of the heart, friendship in the form of hands and fidelity in the crown. Heart, hands and fidelity are an important support in a person's life.
We created our own and unusual design of the Claddagh ring, which resembles the classic, but does not repeat it. Incredible style of the Renaissance, when the power was the great French kings. The times when the title and respect in society were the most important component of every person's life.
Two hands in a magnificent gold cloak with a strong grip hold the crowned heart. The base of the ring is made of oxidized silver.
Loyalty is at the very top of the relationship between a man and a woman. Without loyalty, there can be neither strong feelings nor confidence. And to emphasize this, we put a bright white diamond in the silver crown, so that by his light he would point only the right way.
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