Twig — golden ring with chrysolites
Nature is an ever-changing cloud; never remaining the same, yet always remaining Herself. She is beautiful, elegant and full of surprises, and not just when we look at her grandeur through a window.
When we sit down for a tete-a-tete with Nature, when we modestly look up at her beautiful eyes, when we are left alone with the immensity of the elements, that is the moment when we recognize her totality down to the smallest details. The smell of twigs on the trees, the vibrant singing of spring birds, the tenderness of the first flowers — these sensations are a part of our soul, a small grain of our consciousness in tandem with eternity.
Our rings from the «Twig» series testify to our connection with nature, as kindred spirits and close friends. The whole philosophy of this pendant is being able to wear a bit of Nature’s very soul around your neck.
This charming gold ring resembles a tree branch. When you wear it, the good heart of the forest will always be with you.
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