Bark Trees with Mountains — silver ring
John Muir said: "The smoothest path to the universe is through the forest thicket." Trees are poems that the earth writes in heaven. Persistent, reliable, full of centuries-old wisdom and fairy tales.
Dynasties and generations pass, and the trees still stand firm, rooted in the roots of the earth. They are children - earth, air and sky at the same time, they are the elements of the universe, the language of nature, which she speaks to us. In Japanese culture, they say that a man must plant at least one tree throughout his life.
A man adopts important qualities of character from trees: masculinity, physical strength, inner stamina and deep mind. Wearing a ring with the image or texture of a tree is a good sign for life and spiritual development.
The tree symbol is important not only for men, for women - too. The woman is the keeper of the family and the source of energy for close people. The tree will serve as a talisman for her to protect her family and peace of mind.
We called the ring "The bark of a tree" - a ring of real masculinity and wise discretion. The ring is stylish, it is suitable for any image, and will emphasize the important qualities of appearance and inner peace. It is made of oxidized silver. The author's texture, similar to the bark of a tree, makes the ring unusual and memorable.
Inside the ring, an engraving of the mountain peaks is made. In this context, the mountain embodies meditation, balance, connection with nature. Often the mountains are associated with a ladder to the sky, because in the mountains a person feels as free and concentrated as possible. The mountains reveal inner strength and spiritual potential.
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