My star — a silver ring with amethyst
Remember any evening that you spent in the mountains. Far from the drone of the crowd, electric light and car noise. In the mountains, if you lie down on the ground and look at the sky, every star, every flicker and every heavenly flame will be clearly visible.
It's so strange that we have a myriad of stars and constellations above us, they are all so different in form and content. Each of them is a symbol of the heavens, their handwriting, words with which they talk to our planet.
And each of these stars is intended for one particular person. You have definitely noticed in the transparent sky your star - the one that laughs with all your cosmic radiance and rejoices at meeting you.
One of these stars is on the ground. This is an unearthly ring from the collection "My star". The unusual base of the three branches is made of silver and covered with oxidation. And in the gold caste - a natural amethyst, like a twinkling twilight star in a moonlit night.
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