Wolf tenderness — ring made of silver and yellow gold, covered black rhodium
Wolves are very unusual representatives of the forest kingdom. On the one hand, they are bold, brave and fearless, like the north wind. On the other hand, they often live in flocks, keep each other and cherish strong family values.
The legend of the fidelity of wolves is even more famous than the story of the faithfulness of swans. If the wolf loses his pair, then he remains alone until the end of his life. A wolf for a wolf is not only the only beloved; It is also the relic of the pack, which he cherishes most of all.
We tried to create a shadow of the legend in the ring. It is a ring-painting, a ring-picture. A drawing that depicts wolves who are forever in love with each other with the most gentle and faithful love.
The ring depicts a languid winter night in the forest, when all nature peacefully sleeps under the veil of stars.
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