New muse — gold ring with diamonds
SKU: 5260
SKU: 5260

New muse — gold ring with diamonds

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Yellow14K gold
Diamond of 2 mm — 8 pieces (0,29 ct), the central diamond — 5,12 * 4,0 mm (0,51 ct)
Inne warianty tego modelu:

A breath of inspiration. A sip of passion. An impulse of creativity, enlightenment and insight. The desire to create without the need for sleep or rest. What a marvellous feeling! 

A light breeze carries the scent of her perfume. Her heels sound out a rhythm that synchronizes with her heartbeat before sharply accelerating. The cut of both her eyes and her dress sends the imagination spinning. Her unique silhouette pulls the eye to it like a magnet. 

She is unsurpassed! She is incomprehensible! She is mystifying! She is the New Muse!

One flutter of her eyelashes is enough to inspire lines of poetry that will endure through the centuries. One turn of her head can spawn artistic masterpieces. One graceful gesture can become a new breakout play for a theatre! Artists dream of depicting her on canvas, just as sculptors wish to embody her in stone and the jeweller longs to immortalize her in gold!

A muse is a flash of divine revelation that comes to the artist in the most harmonious and sought-after form.

The charms of a New Muse are fresh and alluring, like the colours of a rainbow, the scent of a freshly blossoming rose, or drops of dew on ripe, sweet fruits. She is fabulously beautiful and elusive, exciting and mysterious. She cannot be appropriated or captured. One can only try to preserve the reflections of her radiance by embodying her beauty in art.

The elegant «New Muse» ring is based on the inspiration and passion that give life to creative endeavours, on those unforgettable moments of inner excitement and tension that bear fruit in the form of masterpieces.

It is difficult to imagine human life without art, and art is hard to imagine without inspiration, for inspiration is impossible without a Muse. New visions, innovative shapes and solutions, a new sense of sounds and tastes, a new style and new colours — the New Muse bears all of this in a train of delicate aromas, in the scattering of curls and in playful peals of ringing laughter. 

The «New Muse» ring is an inspiring image and an ideal unto itself. What else does one need to spark creation in an artist’s mind? What else does it take to become a source of inspiration? What else is needed to complete the image of the most coveted Muse?