Kitten — silver emerald ring
Are there people in the world immune to the charms of kittens? They create an incredible sense of comfort, even if you just see one sleeping peacefully on a chair. Naivety alongside sly eyes, flexibility alongside constant, sleepy laziness...we forgive pets of everything and love them as we do all the members of our family.
‘Cats have this property, they should appear in a home, and it then turns out they’ve always been there, even if you didn’t have any cats an hour ago. They live in their own flow of time and act as if the world of people is just a stop on the way to something much more interesting.’ - © Terry Pratchett
Have you ever noticed this about a housecat? They come and go at any time, perhaps they’ll even play with a person, but they live in their own world. As Rudyard Kipling said, ‘a cat that walks by itself’. A proud look and slender gait accompany the delicate creature.
We made a ring that will be with you as often as your own furry friend will be. It has been forged from silver. This cat is a joyful, cosy, soft creature that protects a mystical emerald. Let’s hope the sayings are true and that they really have nine lives :)
The cost of this piece depends on the size and weight.
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