Mountain dream — silver ring with a diamond
The pale moon leans on my shoulders
The earth sleeps ‘neath ephemeral sky
Over eons I have grown only colder
Yet to you I have finally arrived
The wearied moon to the mountains turns
Seeking respite, yet none shall be given
The stars and the earth for each other shall yearn
Anew; with all grievances now forgiven
The anguished moon to the heavens recedes
The mountains have shattered the chain
The night and the earth eternal shall be
In the Universe’s endless reign
This is an instance that we do not wish to explain ourselves regarding this ring whose story begins and ends with everything. Beauty is inherent and the luxurious detail is living proof of quality. Mountains of oxidised silver lift a magical diamond moon to their peaks. The «Mountain Dream» ring — let peace envelop the night and not fade before the dawn.
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