Dark Lion — gold ring with black rhodium
If you think that this ring from the ‘Dark Lion’ collection is only suitable for those who were born under the same zodiac sign, don’t despair - that’s not the case at all. A lion on a ring conveys the essence of a masculine nature: strength, the ability to provide and a calm confidence in their abilities.
Jewellery for men is often deeply personal and men are frequently inclined to conservatism and minimalism, to straight shapes and clear lines. Watches and bracelets are more common picks than rings, but if the time has come to consider a ring, you should choose only the very best. It should be a perfect complement to the style of your clothes, as well as embody courage and a regal charm.
The lion is a wonderful symbol for a man's ring. The lion is the king of beasts, a powerful hunter and the ingenious leader of his pride. For thousands of years, the lion has been associated with physical strength and grandeur. It symbolizes courage, wisdom, justice and the energy of the sun.
Yes, the lion can be cruel, but in cruelty lies the weakness of power. There are circumstances in life where wisdom and peace are not quite enough. In such cases, the lion is ready to rise above his circumstances, no matter how much he wishes things could be done another way.
Our unique ring from the ‘Dark Lion’ collection is made of yellow gold. It has been covered with black rhodium so that the lion stands out as clearly as possible against the background of the precious metal.
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