Tenderness of feelings — white gold engagement ring with sapphire
One famous writer said: "How light is needed for the eyes - so the heart needs tenderness."
In the human heart there are many facets, and the most beautiful facet is love, sincere tenderness and kindness towards the world. It is a feeling that can not be hidden in thought. Fine feelings fill the person, not burning it, and reviving. They give him a new life, a new light in the soul and heart, a new beauty of the face and inner peace.
The tenderness of feelings warms a person, it is a huge strength and courage in opposing the whole world. This powerful weapon against evil and fury, this is a bright angel who finds his home in the love of lovers.
This feeling is so beautiful that the ring created in his honor, too, can not be different.
This sensual ring from our collection "Tenderness of feelings". It is made of magical white gold, like the rustling and twilight shadow of a loving heart.
In the golden caste of the ring – a saturated blue sapphire, these are the blue eyes of love and faithfulness.
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