Gentle hugs — white gold engagement ring with a sapphire
Stanislavski was once asked to describe love. And he replied: «It’s the desire of a touch».
Michelangelo’s most famous fresco, «The Creation of Adam», is housed in the Sistine Chapel. Its main detail is the moment when God’s hand almost touches Adam’s fingers. A mysterious moment of union and the purest love between the children of the Universe, the bare essence of the soul in open palms.
Love and friendship seem to be something spiritual to us, something inner. We feel it with our hearts, but we cannot feel it physically till the moment of touch. Hugs are the first material point of love, the beginning of its physical existence. Embraces express a lot — love, friendship, devotion, sincere affection etc. Embraces may bring both sadness, farewell and the joy of meeting or the very first sensations of the body of your beloved.
Psychologists have proven that a person needs 12 hugs a day for normal functioning and one’s well being. To hug someone means approaching his heart and looking into the window of his soul. By embracing someone, we save him from all the worries of the world, from fate and pain. Hugging somebody means sharing a particle of your inner fire.
The ring «Tender hugs» is a symbol of loyalty and incredibly strong feelings. It’s the warmth you give to your beloved woman. It is a piece of heartfelt affection, expressed in beautiful shape.
The ring is made of the finest white gold. We placed a white sapphire in the golden caste of the ring, with bright light dispersing the darkness and illuminating the spiritual glow.
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