Oś Miłości — złota obrączka z brylantem, pokryta białym rodem
Freedom is the highest value for a person. If love does not give freedom, then it isn’t love at all.
Love is neither the point of a knife nor a down feather. Love is not eternal patience or short term passion. Love is never what it seems.
Love flows into the corners of the mind and smoothly reveals the natural essence of a man. Love is believing. In yourself, in another person, in life.
Love is the first touch to eternity. Someday we will forget everything: body, actions, gestures, eyes reflections. The only things that will remain forever are feelings and memories.
Love is the elixir of eternity, a drop of water in the desert of reality. Give love to drink it. For that you will never know thirst.
The final cost may differ, depending on the sizes and weight.
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