Light: narrow — flat-shaped wedding ring made of palladium gold
Often we ask ourselves the question, is it better — classic or modern? This is the same as asking who wins in the struggle of art — Leonardo da Vinci or Picasso. It is impossible to resolve this dispute, each of them in their own way contributed to the treasury of the world.
Despite the fact that the world is constantly changing and in motion, there are things that often return to their circle. And classical works, art, fashion — they certainly appear on the horizon. Wedding rings are no exception. We love the classics, but at the same time we are trying to create it with a twist that will still make it stand out from the rest.
An example of this — our classic wedding ring with forging Light. And his feature is it it made of author's palladium gold.
Such ring will bring sincere happiness to lovers and forever strengthen the bonds of love and tenderness.
The final cost depends on the size and weight.
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