Life-giving — silver cross with yellow gold
The «Life-Giving» cross is for people whose faith holds significant value in their lives.
The soul and the body are intertwined, and the laws by which they are connected apply equally to everyone. A small cross emphasizes a person’s Christian origins, their faith in God and their desire to follow the path of truth and righteousness.
As it is written: «If ye have faith as a grain of mustard seed, ye shall say unto this mountain: Remove hence from yonder place; and it shall remove; and nothing shall be impossible unto you.» Faith in the love and support of God is the foundation of our lives. A cross around the neck serves as protection from evil and unclean things. Anyone who wears a cross around their neck can feel safe knowing they have a small but unassailable symbol of the aid God provides to His people.
The cross is made entirely of silver. The original surface texture is similar to tree bark and the eye of the cross is yellow gold. It looks great not only as a symbol of faith, but also as an elegant ornament in and of itself.
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