Petals — silver garnet cuff earrings
Sometimes you see only what you love. When going to the flower shop and giving up all the flowers except for one that you saw the first. For a hundred days you order the same cup of coffee. And for a hundred years you kiss the same woman. And how to explain it (to yourself) that she is the one, the only one you notice? That she is the most significant and obvious that has ever happened between you and the world.
I suspect that she was painted from the most beautiful petals. And imagine how the artist spent the whole spring sitting by the best flowers in a secluded park. And all he remembered formed the background of that cutest face. Otherwise where else could this charm come from? What is the source of this persistent lightness or admiration of life? If that artists never existed, and those flowers never rose, then I pay tribute to his fantastic imagination. And you should be grateful to her for that.
Sometimes you see only what you love. The other day you love everything you see. This is how we create jewelry. The «Petals» earrings are a new compliment to all women on earth. Sterling silver luxuriously repeats the floral details. And the intense color of garnet reminds of the strongest feelings.
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