Swallows — silver studs
There’s enough light for those who want to see, and enough darkness for those who don’t, Blaise Pascal once said.
Swallows symbolize light, home coziness and family warmness. They concentrate tenderness and love. The tender birds that bring spring and rebirth on their wings.
One swallow brings to our world the joy of anticipation and pleasant premonitions. And you may find two swallows decorating our earrings! They fly around the silver world, bringing to it the marvelous and cozy moments of a new era. The era when nature puts on its floral dress and drops the shackles of cold.
Spring is the new state of the planet. During this time nature reminds a girl in love: sometimes she is shy and throws a frostbite modestly, as if making a step back; sometimes she blossoms from tender kisses and gives flowers of her soul and the first warm breeze; sometimes she is withdrawn, and during that time it’s typical that rains fall and ambiguity indifferently steps on the horizon.
And swallows are the faithful messengers of spring in love, a good sign of nature.
Our «Swallow» earrings are made of oxidized silver with an authentic texture of its surface.
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