My soul — golden earrings with diamonds
«Look into your soul,» said the ancient Greek philosophers. In the soul you can find all the answers to the questions of the universe.
Sometimes we think the soul is something ephemeral and unreal, like a hazy haze overhead. Thousands of research scientists around the world do not give us a final result, so that we can call the soul something normal and natural.
But somewhere inside, on a subconscious level, each of us knows for sure that it exists. This is not a myth, and not a religious legend. There is some strong feeling that we are not alone in our body. That near the pulsating heart there is a lever that keeps the hand on the pulse. Call it whatever you like, subconscious, guardian angel, spirituality. But we are not prisoners in our body, no. We found a haven and a home in the body where, being today, we call ourselves a man.
As Milorad Pavic said: «The soul is the moon, and it has an inaccessible side that you will never see from where you are.»
Truth, understanding, love — they pass through mental strength and balance. Know your soul, and you will know yourself. This is the philosophy of our earrings from the marvelous collection «My Soul». They are made of fine white gold.
In earrings — rough diamonds, they are very symbolically connected with the person and his essence. If there is a physical embodiment of the soul, then we are sure that it looks like diamonds. They were not changed by either nature or man. These are crystals with their own character — they surprise with their naturalness and unearthly beauty.
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