Flower Tiara — silver earrings with an emeralds
Have you ever thought about why we like flowers so much? Their texture, smell, soft petals lead us into a silent delight.
As soon as the first shadow of spring comes, we walk through lime avenues and breathe in the scent of flowers, which directly leads to associations with the beautiful and warm season.
The smell is the soul of a flower, isn't it?
We think that this is because of our unity with nature. We restore the connection with nature through her creations. After all, in urban life there is so much fuss and distraction from the inner world. Only sometimes there come moments when we only want to look at the sun, walk along cozy green streets and smell the fresh grass on the river bank.
Such wonderful feelings and memories will cause you our charming earrings "Flower tiara".
The base is made of oxidized silver. English fastener. Flowers unfold along with green-eyed emeralds. The petals of flowers are gently gilded.
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