Twigs — yellow gold earrings with topazes
Art is as nature. If you fail to let it in through the front door, it will most certainly come in through your window.
Art surrounds us on all sides: the sky, the trees, flowers, architecture, paintings, fluffy snow on cold earth. All of our surroundings are art no matter where you look. The world around us is truly wondrous, and it is terribly important to take note of the wonder of every day. Come what may, a new day will always begin, each with a new life and new opportunities.
The most intimate and intoxicating of all the variety of events in our lives is that very moment when a new creation is born.
«Twigs» is no exception. They are graceful and captivating, as if full of thoughts about life and love.
Crafted from yellow gold and featuring magical celestial topazes as inserts. Reliable English locks provide for unmatched longevity and strength.
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