Tops — silver bracelet with white rhodium plating
Life passes before our eyes in a series of pictures and events. The dawn quietly tiptoes into the morning after a long night only to be later replaced by the day. The sun’s rays pour over your shoulders like delicate petals falling onto wet asphalt. Life is beautiful because it breathes, runs, cries and laughs.
In the mountains, life is especially beautiful. Have you ever woken up to be greeted by a white mist, dew and the fresh mountain air? When wet leaves serve as your path, and the dawn conceals itself modestly behind the grey facade of the morning sky?
Or maybe you caught a glance of snow-capped mountains through the hills when you went to work in the morning? Peaks are the purest and brightest things on earth because they are the closest of all things to the heavens. You also stand before the gateway to heaven when you find yourself on a mountaintop. The air becomes thicker, almost taking your lungs captive. The urban fog clears and your eyes gladly absorb the sun and the stars.
The feeling of conquering the top is so similar to love. Happiness pours through the veins, bright rays sparkle in the eyes and a soft radiance bursts through the consciousness. Everything is simple and wonderful, exactly as you feel when you are in love. The beauty of every moment you have lived is forever imprinted in your heart, and you come to realize that love is truth.
To be at the pinnacle of love means to stretch towards heaven, to approach the divine. When a person loves, they become exalted. Mountains only call to those whose souls measure their own in height, and love is a rare flower bursting with shades of radiant purple, just like those that grow on the highest peaks and require great courage to retrieve.
We have created a whole collection from this notion — «Peaks of Love». Nature, man and love are both the form and the meaning of our life cycle, an eternal triangle, the enigma of the soul. We created a bracelet for women whose souls reach the sun and the heavens, for those who love the very soul of nature. The «Peaks of Love» bracelet is an ode to the majesty of love and the heart.
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