Forest eye with tree of life — a ring made of silver and yellow gold with oxidation
John Muir said: "The smoothest path to the universe is through the forest thicket." Trees are poems that the earth writes in heaven. Persistent, reliable, full of centuries-old wisdom and fairy tales.
Passing dynasties, generations, historical events - and the trees still stand firm, rooted in the very roots of the earth, its depth and essence. They are children - earth, air and sky at the same time, they are the elements of the universe, the language of nature, which she speaks to us. In Japanese culture, they say that a man must plant at least one tree throughout his life.
The man takes over from the trees the most important qualities of his character - masculinity, physical strength, inner stamina and deep mind. Wearing a ring with the image or texture of a tree is a very good symbol for life and spiritual development.
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