Strength of Hope — cross with a ruby
1 199.00€
SKU: 1236
SKU: 1236

Strength of Hope — cross with a ruby

1 199.00€
Made to order
Manufacturing time 25 business days
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Sterling Silver and 14k Gold
Ruby 5x4 mm
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The Russian poet Joseph Brodsky once said «Death is but a plain, and life is hill after hill after hill...»

There are many sunrises and sunsets in the hills of our ordinary lives, as well as the joys of a new day and the sorrows of years past. There is nothing clear-cut, and yet every particle in the universe has a purpose. A single person is formed from millions of different universes. We are no strangers to sadness or happiness. We can be geniuses who know only sorrow or average Joes and Janes that have found bliss.

Life has but one face, but there are countless features and movements in it. We never really know what awaits us next or how the world will receive the morning dawn. We never know where we will be in a week, whether we will be lonely and sad or happy and in good company. It sometimes seems like life is a massive island in an endless ocean of choices, with cliffs of hope and faith on the horizon.

To be human means to look on at the distant horizon surrounded by the proud cliffs; yet the storm, the tempest, the sunken ships so often conceal the horizon from us, along with its cosy features, its warm pastel tones, its beautiful face. Sometimes we want to believe in it so passionately, but what happens if we can’t see it? How can one continue to stoke a tender ray of faith if sharp drops of rain fall into the eyes until everything is blurred, a senseless smear on the canvas of a mediocre artist? Why do any of this if the dawn will break all the same and nothing in our lives is eternal, including everything we love and appreciate?

The cold expanse of the endless ocean has no answer, and it will never proffer anything more than a gloomy moan and an occasional crash. Don’t look for lush inspirational lines where there’s none to be found. When all roads lead to a dead end, when all illusions fade, when there are no rays of light on the horizon, the last refuge of the universe is born in the depths of the soul — the power of hope.

«Hope is like the night sky: there is no place where the persistently searching eye will not eventually find a star,» said Octave Feuillet.

The boundless power of hope absorbs all known worlds and oceans. A person with hope is never poor or lonely, because hope is both their right and their best friend. They will never grow tired or weak, as hope gives them strength and clarity of thought. They will not turn to evil or desperation, for hope is as good and pure as the light of a young star.

Strong golden threads of hope bind all the pieces of the universe together. Sometimes we stop believing in this. Sometimes we lower our arms and joy and inspiration vanish from our eyes. Sometimes the real horizon is closed off from us. All things are possible and yet all things also must break apart as the world undergoes entropy, but we will never give up hope and hope will never leave our hearts, even if all the worlds, the galaxies, and the universes disappear. Hope is the name of your guardian angel.

For a long time, we tried to put this into words. The metaphors and phrases we came up with were so overly complicated that we exhausted ourselves trying. And so, we decided to create something completely new — jewellery that does not require words or long-winded descriptions. A decoration in which each feature speaks for itself and exhibits a deep understanding of ancient wisdom. This is our novel «Power of Hope» cross.

It is neither perfect nor whole, distinctly unlike many of its peers. It has crumbled into several parts, but it does not hide its shortcomings. Such a thing is real, sincere, essential. And the only thing holding it all together are strong golden threads of hope. They have established themselves firmly among the pieces of the cross and their hold will not waiver, even for a moment. «Together Forever», they whisper to it.

Together forever.