Forget-me-nots — handmade silver set with diamond and gilding (wedding rings + engagement ring)
$1 050.00
SKU: 4092
SKU: 4092

Forget-me-nots — handmade silver set with diamond and gilding (wedding rings + engagement ring)

$1 050.00
On order
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Sterling Silver
Brilliant 2 mm
Oxidation, gilding
Base width male — 5.5 mm, female — 4.5 mm
+- How long does it take to make the jewelry piece in order?

Typical production timing for our jewelry is between 4 and 6 weeks. But also don't forget that some pieces we have in stock. 

+- Is it possible to make a certain model with a different metal or a gemstone?

Yes, you can order a copy of a certain piece with other details (metal, gem, size). Please contact us first, so that we could discuss your order.

+- Do you offer engraving services?

Yes! However, not every piece can be engraved, so each case should be discussed with one of our managers. The engraving can be made for jewelry pieces that are made on order. The price for engraving is listed below:

  • 1 Letter — $15
  • 1 Word / Date — $30
  • 1 Phrase — $45
  • 1 Symbol — $60
+- All your pieces are handcrafted?

Each jewelry piece is made by us from the very beginning to the end. This approach allows us to control the manufacturing process and maintain high-quality products. Design, casting, creating jewelry, processing with decorative coatings, and fixing gems — all are done in one workshop.

+- What should I do if the ring size doesn’t fit?

Most of our made-to-order models are not resizable, but in certain cases, we can resize a ring or make a new ring as a replacement for a nominal fee.

If a ring that you purchased from stock doesn’t fit the finger, we are able to offer free of charge replacement of the same model in the size you need. This can be made if the required gem is in stock and the model can be remade.

+- Do you have a shop that I could visit?

Yes, we would be happy to see you in our showroom. We are located at 37 Broad St, Red Bank, NJ 07701

+- Is there a need for signature confirmation?

Upon delivery, a signature confirmation by a person of 21+ years is required for all orders above $1000. You acknowledge that any person taking delivery of the products at the designated address shall be deemed to have done so with your authorization.

+- Do the shipments carry any insurance?

All shipments carry insurance from a third party vendor during the transportation process.


Free Shipping for Orders Over $300
Handcrafted & Custom Jewelry
Natural Gemstones
Family Owned Business
10 Years of Operating
Unique jewelry design


Our body lived hundreds of hours. Our eyes saw thousands of twilights: happy, with sunny a smile in one’s eyes and sad too, with wrinkles of tears and mist under eyebrows.

Our hands gave dozens of hugs — sincere, loving, passionate, gifting. But there were also indifferent, cold and repulsive ones. Our fingers felt millions of touches — gentle, tender, firm, clumsy and confident, persistent. 

Our feet made hundreds of steps and travelled countless roads. Our lips remember thousands of smiles, mixed with kisses, angry arguments, joyful laughter and moisty greetings. Our hair was once repeatedly touched by either a warm sea breeze, or a heavy rain, or sizzling sun, or the roar of thunder. 

A lot happened with us and to us, but the strangest thing is that everything passes. Time and space slips through the fingers, leaving only some traces, which are temporary as everything else. 

So what? Crying, grieving, suffering for something beyond our comprehension? Never.

Just live and laugh. Loving, falling, rising, breaking the dawns in order to make it together again, to love passionately and unconditionally, as never before! 

To collect memories in warm palms and protect them as the most beloved person in the world, locking them in the heart under three locks. Because nothing is eternal. Fortunately!

"Forget me not. And I will never forget you too" — once said the Creator to the forget-me-not flower. We are the only creators of our memories. No one but us can grow them from air and ashes, breathe life into the fragile sculpture of extreme reality, making tangible something, that used to have no flesh and form. 

And love, so real and ultimate, is the first proof of becoming a Creator. 

Reality is subject to feelings and actions, as it was supposed to be. Love and the world around you will change. Love and welcome every morning happily. Love and be by the side of someone who sees you, understands you and is ready to share the whole world with you. 

"Forget-me-nots" — a collection of happy memories. A gift that keeps the shadow of your lover. Jewelry that challenges space and time. 

Love. You will always be remembered.

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