Mirror tops — silver pendant with topaz
SKU: 1980
SKU: 1980

Mirror tops — silver pendant with topaz

Sterling Silver
Topaz 14x10 mm
~ 20 g
Height with an ear — 43.5 mm, width — 29.5 mm.

Mountains only call to those whose souls measure their own in height. The peaks attract those whose souls dream of flying, not crawling.

Not all peaks are within our reach, it’s true, and our souls were not created to conquer every summit. As Einstein once said: «If you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid.»

Do not chase the summits of others. Instead, choose your own. How can you find out which are yours to chase, though? Quite simply put, the heart will tell. If you choose someone else’s, then the weight of that path will slowly but surely press down on your soul. If you choose your own, joy and serenity will accompany your every step.

Yes, the journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. Yes, the path is not always easy. Yes, there is no need to conquer all of the summits, but what a wonderful moment it is when you have conquered another peak, when a panorama of the wide world that nature created opens before you.

Marvellous feelings of light velvet spill over the body when the real reward comes after long hours of work, perseverance and effort! What a sense of triumph it is after both frustration and despair stepped constantly on your heels and whispered in your ears the heaviest of maledictions — that it was time to give up. And yet, you did not give up. You did not ask fate for a reward. You claimed your reward on your own. In these feats lie real strength and courage.

Your soul is naked and exposed before the summits. You can’t hide your weakness from them, as they are like a mirror with unearthly clarity. They accurately reflect every wrinkle, every fold in the corners of the soul, every fleeting smile, every shadow of your gaze. Do not try to deceive them.

They know all there is to know. They see the cracks and doubts in your soul, but they also see strength and courage, your willingness to fight. They see your desire to be better, to go higher. They see you. They know that you fear nothing except fear itself. Do not be afraid of the path, for the path is what matters most.

The «Mirrored Summit» pendant was designed for those who move forward unceasingly, relentlessly. You can stop for a moment if you’d like. There is still a long way to go to reach the top, but we know that you will find happiness along the way.